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UAE’s largest single pour of fly ash concrete cements the foundation of the BAPS Hindu Mandir

UAE’s largest single pour of fly ash concrete cements the foundation of the BAPS Hindu Mandir

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The foundation work for the BAPS Hindu Mandir in Abu Dhabi begins

The foundation work for the BAPS Hindu Mandir in Abu Dhabi has begun on the 14th of December 2019, Saturday.

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Congratulations to our winners

Congratulations to the winners of a fully paid 3-day (2 nights) trip to the Akshardham Temple located in Ahmedabad, Guajarat, India, during the MySeva Raffle Draw!

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Indian Prime Minister Swearing In Ceremony

As part of our support to the Republic of India during the “Year of Tolerance” 2019, we joined the Indian Club to celebrate the inauguration of the 14th Prime Minister of India

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Stone laying Event

During the Year of Tolerance in the United Arab Emirates, the construction of the first Hindu Mandir in Abu Dhabi began. The temple exemplifies the values of tolerance, understanding and peaceful coexistence.

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